Tibame Website

Modifying an online learning website to more beautiful and user-friendly


Tibame Website


Tibame is a website system, for Taiwanese to learn programming online, and was built by the Institute for Information Industry (III) and Campuscruiser (CC). A Conception of Information Industry and Campuscruiser is redesigning the Tibame website and envisioning how users could use the web to transform online learning to offline classes after users finished both kinds of classes, helping them to find jobs in related fields.

Problem & Solution

First of all, the main visual picture of the index needed to be modified, moreover, the slider is better than a stable photo to couch users' eyes. In the other part of the index, to add feedback can be more persuasive. In addition, I tried to unify the color and style of buttons, and maintain the hover, focus and active status in the whole website. TIBAME needed to add one more function - job matching - to enhance a user’s motivation and encouragement to learn.

▾ Before/ After
▾ After
▾ My new design of Course Page



The index revision attracted more users and they registered for some online classes. Furthermore, my supervisor decided to create a design guideline website for all internal projects.

What I Did...

I was in charge of the project and designed the new index as well as adding the feature of incorporated interactions. Furthermore, I improved not only the front-end but also the flow and interface. I was involved in both designing and programming the system. I revised the CSS and HTML with my international colleagues from New York and Shanghai, engineers and the product manager. To fulfill the needs of the online meeting of the users, I created the prototype and mockup for the website.

Website web
Project Year 2014
Role Front-end development
UI/UX design
graphic design
Client TibaMe

Because Campuscruiser Is An Online Educational System Company, I Designed The Icon As The Image Of A Little Owl, Which Represents Knowledge And Wisdom In Greek Mythology. The Initials Of The Name Of The Company, CC, Form The Eyes Of The Owl.