Nippon Paint APP

The online learning app for Chinese painters


Nippon Paint APP


Due to the fact that personal computers are not popular in China, the functions of this app include online learning videos, homework, and quizzes for trainees to learn new skills via watching online videos and take notes, then do the homework. For this app I coded the CSS and HTML via the Framework which could connect HTML to a revised code for iOS and Android. This was one of the projects of Campuscruiser, and I collaborated with the Shanghai engineering team.

Information Architecture


▾ Homework/ Login
▾ More


Because of the project timeline, my supervisor opted to build the app using the ionic framework which allowed for code reuse for cross-platform builds. Moreover, to create a favorable impression for users, I used an alpaca as the mascot for the first time page, empty page and error page.

UI Mockup


By using the app, the rate that painter workers know the latest expertness is more than before. Plus, the app solves the problem that there is no personal computer at home.

What I Did...

I coded the CSS and HTML via the Framework which could connect HTML to revise code of iOS and Android. This was one of the projects of Campuscruiser, and I collaborated with the Shanghai engineering team.

Project Year 2015
Role Prototyping
UI/UX design
Visual design
Client Nippon Paint